Call For Paper Vol 1 No 1 October 2024
Call for Papers: International Journal of Agricultural Industry and Food Technology
We invite researchers, scholars, and professionals from various disciplines to submit their original research articles, literature reviews, and theoretical papers for publication in International Journal of Agricultural Industry and Food Technology (JAIFTECH). The journal is a peer-reviewed, open-access publication that aims to provide a platform for innovative and insightful research in Food Technology & Agriculture Industrial.
We welcome submissions on the following topics (but not limited to):
- Food Technology (Apiculture, Applied Chemistry, Applied Microbiology, Biochemical Engineering, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Chemical Food Safety, Engineering, and Technology, Biosystem, etc) and
- Agriculture Industrial (Renewable and Novel Energy Sources, Agricultural Product Technology, Agro-industrial Systems Engineering, Agro-industrial Process Technology, Agro-industrial Management, IT for Agriculture, Agricultural biodiversity, Agricultural biotechnology, Agricultural botany, etc)
Submissions should be original and not previously published or currently under review elsewhere. All submissions will be subject to a rigorous peer-review process by at least two independent reviewers.
Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts online through our submission portal. Submissions should follow the guidelines provided on the journal website & JAIFTECH Template.
Important dates:
- Submission deadline: [15 October 2024]
- Publication: [max 31 January 2025]
For any inquiries or further information, please contact the editorial office at
We look forward to receiving your submissions.
Editor in Chief
International Journal of Agricultural Industry and Food Technology (JAIFTECH)